Actually Christmas 1973, pencil on drawing paper, about 9"x12" without the calendar part, 17"x12" altogether. Last minute gift for Mamaw.
The old homeplace I grew up in, currently holed up in again. If you look close you can see ice sickles on the small tree to the right, and that's why the limbs on the big ivy covered oak are white--ice storm that winter.
That barrel on a frame used to hold kerosene ("coal oil" Papaw called it) and that fed the heat stoves in the kitchen and front room.
Here's the whole thing still in the frame. It's been hanging on the wall in the living room ever since...well, 1974.
These are a couple of attempts to edit the photo in the frame, under glass, to get a clearer image of just the drawing...
Not satisfactory so I switched to the scanner...
...on which it wouldn't fit... I went to cropping and editing...
Finally came up with this, same as the one at the top. (This version makes it more like 7"x12") The top one is sized to fit this page, but the others are larger and can be clicked for more detail.