Resonant Enigma Too: Purpose

I'm making this into an "Art Blog"; more painting and drawing, less aimless wandering and whatnot. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

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Saturday, December 30, 2017

An old...


...pencil in an 11x8.5" sketchbook. Late 80s.

I never much liked this one 'til today. I've been looking through some plein air magazines and you see finished works in all degree of refinement. So I look at this again today, I realize it has all the right values in the right places, it just lacks detail. Still reads like a drawing.

Does a pencil drawing done on location count as "plein air?"


Friday, December 15, 2017



Fourth version of a scan from my "Goobertown Sketchbook." Cropped about an inch at the bottom, pencil in 11"x8.5" sketchbook.
 This was my view out the front door, across the highway. Best I remember, someone was burning trash or leaves or something, smoke obscuring the background trees, that being what drew my eye...


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Conte Aggie 1980


8.5"x11" brown Conte crayon in sketchbook, done on location. This old storage building was across the street from the, I think it was a shoe factory, on Aggie Road in Jonesboro AR, 1980.

While I was working a young Asian fellow walking by stopped to watch, complimented my progress, and very carefully pointed with his thumb to the front just under the eave and said, "Needs more shadow here." Then he wished me luck and walked on. I, since he was right, put more shadow there.


Monday, December 11, 2017

Friday, December 8, 2017

Stonehenge 1980


I wasn't there. It's from a photo in a book or magazine I saw at the library. Drawing pencils in 11x8.5" sketchbook. Edited for contrast and whatnot...

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Stop 'n' Sketch


Pencil in 8.5"x11" sketchbook, 1983. Between Goobertown and Brookland, on my way to pick up a paycheck at Riceland one Friday. Later translated it into the best pastel painting I've ever done, but don't have a picture of that yet...
