"How many of the ways (disciplines, exercises, practices) recommended as helpful, or even necessary, for the attainment of Satori are not in fact consequences of that state erroneously suggested as means?" --Terence Grey(Wei Wu Wei)
Resonant Enigma Too: Purpose
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Friday, August 16, 2019
Wei Wu Wei
"How many of the ways (disciplines, exercises, practices) recommended as helpful, or even necessary, for the attainment of Satori are not in fact consequences of that state erroneously suggested as means?" --Terence Grey(Wei Wu Wei)
Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory
(link is also in post title)
Edit 8/31/2022:
A couple of comments from a YouTube video: What in the World Are They Spraying? (Full Length)
2,001,323 views Dec 20, 2010 http://www.facebook.com/WhatintheWorl...
Justin Wallis
11.7K subscribers
3 years ago
What substance are clouds made from that gives them the ability to stay in the sky for hours and start off small and grow bigger? ie if you have a collection of that same substance it can do the same thing regardless what it's called. Does anyone disagree?
Do clouds still behave the same way if you change the spelling for them? ie Do clouds still behave the same way if you call them by the German name? Do "wolke" still have the ability to stay in the sky for hours and grow bigger? What substance are wolke made from?.... the same thing as english clouds right? That substance is water condensation, so water condensation can stay in the sky for hours, regardless if you call it clouds, or wolke, or contrails, it's still water condensation and can persist for hours.
It's amazing so many people can be tricked by propaganda hoax videos to not understanding that.
8 years ago
But I do remember seeing it in my childhood, and there's plenty of documentation of it. Consider the 1970 paper from the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ("Airborne observations of contrail effects on the thermal radiation budget"), stating: "The spreading out of jet contrails into extensive cirrus sheets is a familiar sight. Often, when persistent conditions exist from 25,000 to 40,000 ft, several long contrails increase in number and gradually merge into an almost solid interlaced sheet."