Resonant Enigma Too: Purpose

I'm making this into an "Art Blog"; more painting and drawing, less aimless wandering and whatnot. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

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Friday, March 27, 2015

Rear views

The first one is the first "rear view" I ever did, and proves that boredom leads to creativity. Nothing else looked interesting, and then I happened to glance at the mirror. Suddenly the Home Depot was a motif.

I then began to make it a "thing" by continuing the 'rear view' approach at a Dallas area Starbucks.

And again at the White Rock Coffee Shop...

Then one day on lunch break at a place in Farmers Branch, this actually happened. Of course Bud The Crow did not stick around and pose for me, so the mirror and door frame are from life, but Bud had to be extrapolated from internet images. He(she? I can't tell) really did look that cool though.


Small sketches...

...from a recent outing. 3.5x5.0 sketchpad, ballpoint, all from the front seat of the van. One ok, one barely ok, and one unfinished. I had a rider during that last one, who finished her business inside before I did mine outside. My Mom. I didn't figure she wanted to sit there and wait while I doodled, and even if she did, she was blocking the view.

I prefer to go out sketching alone.
And without time constraints, if possible. That way you can lose yourself in it, really see what your looking at.
The first one was like that; nowhere to be and a fresh mocha in the cupholder. I lived a few minutes in that one.
Second one, the day was wearing on and I thought a little more about time. Just wanted to hurry and grab those clouds; didn't really sink in to it.
I guess I'm trying to find meditation in the act of sketching.


Monday, March 16, 2015



[caption id="attachment_60" align="alignnone" width="774"]Business Cards are FREE Business Cards Are FREE[/caption] "The more horrible this world (as today, for instance), the more abstract our art, whereas a happy world brings forth an art of the here and now." -- Paul Klee


This one is my first foray into the territory of "whiskey painting." Yes, that is a 'thing.' There's an association, the Whiskey Painters of America, based in Ohio, I believe, with their own charter and rules and 150 members, and you only get in by being sponsored by a current member. Which I'm not, as yet (I think I got on the waiting list though), but it was such a wild idea I thought I'd give it a go anyway. The rules are like this: Max. size is 4x5", must be watercolor but with whiskey, or whatever spirit you prefer, instead of water. So since I'm not a member, it ain't bonafide, but it's still a whiskey painting. Following is documentation of my adventure and the results.

My beautiful picture The painter takes up his brush

Close-up of the work station Close-up of the work station

Genuine simulated field conditions
Genuine simulated field conditions                                                                                                       

Little House or Tree Trinket, whiskey/watercolor on 4x5" 140# Canson

 Little House or Tree Trinket, whiskey/watercolor on 4x5" 140# Canson


Toodles, me hearties.