Resonant Enigma Too: Purpose

I'm making this into an "Art Blog"; more painting and drawing, less aimless wandering and whatnot. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

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Monday, March 16, 2015


This one is my first foray into the territory of "whiskey painting." Yes, that is a 'thing.' There's an association, the Whiskey Painters of America, based in Ohio, I believe, with their own charter and rules and 150 members, and you only get in by being sponsored by a current member. Which I'm not, as yet (I think I got on the waiting list though), but it was such a wild idea I thought I'd give it a go anyway. The rules are like this: Max. size is 4x5", must be watercolor but with whiskey, or whatever spirit you prefer, instead of water. So since I'm not a member, it ain't bonafide, but it's still a whiskey painting. Following is documentation of my adventure and the results.

My beautiful picture The painter takes up his brush

Close-up of the work station Close-up of the work station

Genuine simulated field conditions
Genuine simulated field conditions                                                                                                       

Little House or Tree Trinket, whiskey/watercolor on 4x5" 140# Canson

 Little House or Tree Trinket, whiskey/watercolor on 4x5" 140# Canson


Toodles, me hearties.

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