Pen sketch, 8.5x11" of the spillway.
White Rock Pump Station, 16x20" oil on canvas
Pen sketch, 8.5x5.5" sketchbook; East Lawther.
Second sketch from same day as previous. Over by the baseball field, on Emerald Isle Drive.
5.5x8.5" ballpoint sketch, looking over at Winfrey Point.
I'm almost sure it has nothing to do with Oprah.
Another 5.5x8.5" ballpoint. From over by the Bathhouse, I think. I got a $200+ ticket that day for having a case of UNOPENED beer in the car. From a cop on a bicycle. How you doin', Officer Dethloff?
5.5x8.5" ballpoint, sketchbook, under Mockingbird, surrounded by kayakers.
4x6" pencil of Winfrey Point.
One of the few sketches here made from a photo. 6x4" pencil painting of the old bike path just north of the spillway.
Ballpoint in a 3.5x5.0" sketchbook. I don't remember where exactly this was, but the wind was cold that day.
4x6" pencil, from a photo. Pump Station from East Lawther.
5x7" oil on canvas panel, from the same photo and sketch as above.
3.5x5.0" ballpoint from the ball field.
3.5x5.0" ballpoint overlooking the old boathouse. Middle of September and it was raining a warm drizzle, so warm and light nobody even seemed to notice. Mmm...north Texas weather...
4x6" ballpoint, from Lawther up near Winfrey Point.
Ah, I sat at a picnic table on T.P.Hill, in direct July sun, gettin' burned. A family was bar-b-queing at the pavilion about 100 feet to my right and a slight breeze brought the aroma right under my nose. Tantalizing. I wanted to stay longer, put some background, sniff some more q-fumes, but I could feel my skin burning and had to walk away, slightly light headed. Maybe next time...
Nice to hear from you!
I like your sketches! but I see that some of them are from a couple of years ago. what are your observations now?
Hi, Liv. Unfortunately not much lately. But if you scroll down the Home page, my most recent stuff is there.
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