Resonant Enigma Too: Purpose

I'm making this into an "Art Blog"; more painting and drawing, less aimless wandering and whatnot. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Reynold's Park, Nov.8, 2015: Clear Blue Skies, at last

After 5 consecutive days of complete gray, dismal, depressing, pale, high thin cloud cover - of a sort I never saw for 15 yrs. in Texas, but that I remembered shortly after my return to NE Arkansas as a major contributor to my mopey sad-sack depressed feeling/attitude/condition, in these parts. I won't show you pictures of that depressing kind of sky, because in their presence I'm generally too discouraged to go out and make any.

...when they break, the most uplifting, moist, rich forever blue is revealed. I looked forward to this when I headed back for Paragould.

We have a lot more great old trees here, too.



Anonymous said...

I have my 'like' etc, activated on my blog. I haven't been posting lately but you might like this feature on your blog.

A. Decker said...

"...'like' etc," ? I'll have to go look for that, as I've never seen it. Thanks for the tip, Nicola.