Resonant Enigma Too: Purpose

I'm making this into an "Art Blog"; more painting and drawing, less aimless wandering and whatnot. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

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Friday, March 11, 2016

Nothing personal...


I had me a right ponder on the throne this morning. The value of conceptual knowledge. Would we sense what's good to eat and what would kill us without conceptual knowledge? Could pure senses tell the difference? Moot point since everything coming in through the senses is filtered and translated by already existing knowledge. That's what tells us there's a thing separate from us at all. Manifest reality - or nature, if you will - is not nice, or mean, or indifferent. It doesn't produce pscilocybin shrooms to thrill us, nor Deadly Nightshades to kill us. It doesn't extend one life a century and end another in minutes because of who they were. When I die, it won't be about me. It happens whether you're ready or not. If death is impersonal, doesn't it follow that life is?




Anonymous said...

If there's no God this could be true, in fact I held to this general belief.
Hope your outlook brightened after the dump-try a stool softener

A. Decker said...

Just the other day I realized - a lot different from theorizing - that I don't really know anything. You know, about the Big Stuff, the nature of reality and whatnot. So I've decide I should just shut up about it. At least.
And yogurt works better.