Resonant Enigma Too: Purpose

I'm making this into an "Art Blog"; more painting and drawing, less aimless wandering and whatnot. Not that there's anything wrong with that ...

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Friday, July 16, 2021

97_2021-6-30_3:20am Alarm


 5x7" oil over acrylic on canvas panel

   3:20 AM June 30, approximately 18 hours after my first Moderna jab, and about 20 hours  after my last dose of precious beautiful delicious coffee - to which I am powerfully  'addicted,' - (I mention both of these factors because, for all I know, either could be implicated) an ALARM went off in my mind, sounded like my malfunctioning doorbell, almost a  ding-dong but garbled, more of an electric hum with tones trying to bubble up through it,  like it's underwater, but this time it was LOUD and right through my  head; at the same  instant an image flashed, clear as if I was standing in front of it, but right in my eyes,  like the sound was right through my ears. One second or less and I was  wide  awake.

 I tried to reproduce the image, but I'm not that good with watercolor & ink wash, so that one failed, and I had to get it right. The green was very insistently definite.  I finally got at least very close, had to resort to my trusty oil paint, and even that was on top of an attempt with acrylic.

 I was in the process of weaning myself down from coffee, because of stomach problems, so I  could have been well into withdrawal, which can get weirder than most imagine. But it's  never been as psychedelic as this. It's been 2 weeks and nothing like that has happened again, and I've been even deeper into coffee withdrawal. The only new element in the mix is, um, the vaccine. Another week and a half I get jab #2...

 What a time to be alive.


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